Showing posts with label nanowrimo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nanowrimo. Show all posts


It isn’t a bad thing, really. Many love it.
I thought I would participate in NaNoWriMo this year, but I was wrong.  Instead, my story has turned into a short story. Now, I know that is not the spirit of NaNoWriMo. The idea is to sit down and write, write, write until you have a novel written. 
But I have a problem. I go where my story wants to go and my story wants to be a short story. I won’t ruin it by forcibly adding on to it in order to fulfill this crazy idea that something good will come of my participation in NaNoWriMo. 
Well, it is either that or I just gave up. 
I prefer my explanation. 
Maybe next year. 

What is NaNoWriMo? 

If you are a writer, you probably already know about this… 
NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. It begins on November 1 and ends on November 30th of every year. Thousands and thousands of writers participate in pushing out a novel of 50,000 words in 30 days of time. There are some excellent reviews of it as many have found that participating proves to them that YES, they do have it in them to write a book.  
It’s a great idea.  I wrote two chapters in 2016. I saved the chapters because my daughter loves the story and insists I have to finish it one day. But in the meantime, there are short stories, blog posts, articles, and other things to write. I think I do have it in me to write a book. But it just isn’t quite ready to come out yet. 
You know what?  I still feel guilty. I won’t ask if that is normal because I know the answer: That is normal for me. 
Good luck all you NaNoWriMo lovin’ writers!  Maybe I’ll join in next year. Or not. 
Check out the official site - NaNoWriMo