Childhood Memories - 1

My big sister and I are two and a half years apart. When we were little, we spent a lot of time playing together, getting in trouble together, and of course, fighting. But most of my memories are of the fun times we had just pretending. I'll write more about those times, later. Right now, I am remembering the hearth bench that used to sit along the wall in our living room. It was a wonderful bench --- long and spacey underneath. Enough room for two small children to hide.

Our bedtime was unreasonably early, especially since we knew the best TV shows were on after 8 o'clock and our mom and -sometimes our two older sisters- were sitting in the nice, cozy living room enjoying the shows without us.

So we learned to get very, very sneaky. I don't remember whose idea that was, but I am fairly sure it was my sister's idea.  Of course. It must have been. 😏   Anyway, we would make our way down the stairs, crawl on our hands and knees through the kitchen and across the dining room floor, and into the living room, being very careful to stay close to the wall and out of sight of the couch. We would hide under that hearth bench and watch shows like "Wonder Woman" and "Charlie's Angels"... you know - the best of the late 70's shows. It was unbelievably satisfying to know that we were stealthy enough to never get caught.
Left to right: My sister and me

Thinking back, I suspect that my mom probably knew we were there at least some of the time, but she let us get away with it. Or it could be that she is deaf in one ear and we had that advantage...

That is probably my favorite memory with her. Well that, or the Baby Blue Detective Agency we formed with my best friend. That was a couple of years later. We were just like Nancy Drew or Trixie Belden.  😃

I end it here because it is as good a place as any and it continues.

Sometimes Less Really Is More

My blog is due to launch in just under six weeks and I am once again scrambling on what it is that I really want my blog to be about. I know I want a blog about creativity, but I am afraid I may have bitten off more than I can chew. I have to narrow the niche. My biggest problem with that is that I have already started telling everyone about my big blog launch and how it encompasses all those fantastic creative areas. To put it plainly, my biggest problem is the fear of looking foolish before I even get started.

Ouch. I have three options:

  1. Swallow my pride now and do what I know I can do. 
  2. Fail miserably at trying to do more than I capable of doing. 
  3. Throw up my hands, give up, and cover my head with a blanket. 

Option one sounds best - even if it is a bit chilly in here.

Caroling, Anybody?

I have never had the awesome experience of answering a knock on the door to a group of people who were there just to sing for me. I there are people who complain about carolers this time of year, but I am one of those who would love to be serenaded by people singing Christmas songs. As a matter of fact, I would probably get tears in my eyes and maybe even join in.

That brings me to the question, have you or would you ever be part of a group of carolers? I would love to say that I would, but unless I'm spending Christmas in the south, I would be far too cold to enjoy it.

Merry Christmas, everybody! If you want to carol outside my home, come on over! I'll even make you some hot chocolate.

Baby It's Cold Outside

When I grow up, I am going to be a snow bird.  
Winter is for crazy people
You know - summers up north and winters down south? I grew up in Michigan, lived in Arizona for a while, and am now I'm back in minus zero temps. I don't like it one tiny bit. 

 I am hoping my husband sees fit to join me when I go. I'd hate to do it alone. I'd miss him.