Daily Life Of A Bipolar Writer

I'm dreaming. I have memorable dreams every night. I can recall them all soon after I wake up, but others stick with me.  My most vivid dreams follow the same themes.  I think  about them while I drink coffee, with my husband sitting beside me wondering why I am so quiet  and serious in the mornings. He works the second shift and I do most of my writing while he's gone.

I sit here at my desk in front of an open window, with fans blowing air behind me, checking email, checking Facebook, and of course, this blog. While I'm checking my blog I bookmark posts from Discover and my reader and then check for available assignments. I grab what I can and start writing.

When it's been 3 hours and my shoulders, neck, and swollen feet are feeling it, it is time for coffee or iced tea and an oh-so-good-for-me cigarette.  And this is where I get in trouble. I've learned a few things. Three hours worth of  freelance web content is about all I'm good for, folks.  

My thoughts do not stop and I am not always sure I want them to!  I create in my head until my cigarette is gone and then head back inside with the intention of looking up a particular phrase, brand name, synonym....

Before I know it, an hour goes by and I am now reading about street life in Asia. Fortunately, I always bookmark my searches.

This is when I get to write for myself and it feels so nice to be in the flow.

Well, on some days that is true.  On others, I'm probably reading blogs and exploring fabulous artists, or playing a game and telling myself I should be writing.

I went to bed at 7 this morning and got up at noon. I've been reading and writing ever since on the day I am not supposed to be working at all.

This is mania. She and I have a love/hate relationship.

She's my muse, my antagonizer, my mother, my child, my coach - and the reason I am not sleeping or dreaming away my sleep. 

Sometimes she is even the reason I am not falling apart.

Music time :)

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